OK! This one is actually good, like on one of the higher tiers shows. Undead Unluck is from “Weekly Shōnen Jump“, same company serializing One Piece, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, and many more fan favorites that’s been dominating the world. It’s pretty gruesome, bloody, and doesn’t hold back on saying things to your face. What’s surprising about it is how the Anime took approach to this.

It starts with two different perspectives, both with different visuals and location with one beautiful OST playing over them. Then it subverses your expectations and brings everything to present. It was all a build up to what to come and it executes it masterfully. Of course, the main focus is the two main characters and their powers: being very unlucky and undead. The two form a genuine bond after a short interaction and they reach a certain level of deeper understanding of each other. Hack, Andy even tries to figure out how the unlucky ability works and manages to uncover some without the annoying exposition scene. The studio David Production knows what they are doing with it and also doesn’t treat the audience like some retards. There are also some neat details and easter eggs which is up to the audience to notice.

Undead Unluck is from one of my seasonal recommendations and it’s been one of the best first impressions I’ve had in a long time. If you want to learn more about it, click here but I highly recommend you go in blind. It’s worth it. Have a good one.