“Her Blue Sky” or “Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo” is a 2019 anime film animated by CloverWorks directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai. It weaves a heartfelt tale of love, forgiveness, and self-discovery. Set against a backdrop of music and nostalgia, the film explores the intricate connections between past and present, capturing the essence of youth and the complexities of adult life.
Her Blue Sky Plot
“Her Blue Sky” follows Aoi Aioi, a high schooler with a passion for music acoustic bass in particular, and her mysterious encounter with Shinno, her sister Akane’s former bandmate. Shinno, haunted by past regrets, becomes a wandering spirit tied to a place from his youth, unable to move on without resolving his feelings for Akane. When Aoi discovers Shinno’s predicament, she embarks on a journey to help him find closure. As she delves into their shared past, the film explores themes of love, regret, and the passage of time. Aoi’s determination to mend the broken bonds between the living and the departed drives the emotional core of the story.
Her Blue Sky Characters
Aoi Aioi is portrayed as a determined and compassionate young girl, driven by her love for music and her desire to heal the wounds of the past. Shinno, her sister’s former bandmate, is depicted as a broken man, haunted by his decisions and the unresolved emotions of his youth. Their interactions form the emotional heart of the narrative, guiding viewers through a touching exploration of love, loss, and the power of forgiveness.
Their character design is something to take note of as well. Aoi’s casual clothing reflects her laid-back personality, while her determination is evident in her posture and expressions. Both Shinno’s design expresses their mental state. The older one looks worn out with bleak colors who barely has any will power while the younger one has fiery hair color and a grin on the face saying that he’s the type that never gives up and takes action when needed. The two versions of him are in the opposite side of the spectrum and through the story of the movie, they finally blend into one. The supporting characters are also designed with distinct features that reflect their personalities and roles in the story. Facial expressions, hairstyles, and clothing choices are used to convey their individual traits and relationships with the main characters. Each character’s design adds depth to the film’s overall narrative, creating a visually diverse and engaging cast.
Main Theme & Symbolism
“Her Blue Sky” delves into themes of redemption, forgiveness, change, and the cyclical nature of life. The film uses Shinno’s supernatural predicament as a metaphor for unresolved regrets, capturing the essence of nostalgia and the longing for closure. Music, a central element in the story, symbolizes emotional expression and serves as a bridge between the characters’ past and present selves.
“Her Blue Sky” can refer to the spiritual state of Shinno and the mental clarity that he and Aoi reaches at the end of the movie. There’s even a song with the same title in the movie that speaks about getting out of slump. In the end, it’s a node to the MC’s name, Aoi Aioi that translates to blue hollyhock.
While the film successfully captures the emotional depth of its characters and themes, some viewers might find the supernatural elements confusing or overly sentimental. Additionally, the pacing, especially during the supernatural encounters, could be considered slow by some, affecting the overall narrative flow. Thought the biggest strength of this movie is in its direction, screenplay, voice acting, and the breathtaking background art that just captivates you until the end.
In summary, “Her Blue Sky” weaves a poignant tale of love and redemption, blending supernatural elements with grounded human emotions. Aoi’s journey to help Shinno find peace creates a touching narrative, despite occasional pacing issues. The film’s exploration of forgiveness and the power of music makes it a compelling watch for those interested in heartfelt, character-driven stories. I give it a 6.8 out of 10.
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