The story of Horimiya is centered on two lead characters who are both still high school students, Miyamura Izumi and Hori Kyouko, as well as the friends and people around them. The two main cast maintain completely different personalities when in school and when outside of it. With one being the persona that they put on in public to maintain a normal image, and the other being their true selves that few people know about.
Hori is a pretty and popular girl in school, outside of school however she has a practically non-existent social life, does household work and takes care of her little brother, she keeps this hardworking and diligent side of her hidden from others.
On the other hand Miyamura seems like a gloomy, nerdy otaku kinda guy but he in actuality hides a bunch of piercings and tattoos whenever he’s at school, that is his secret. Because they both share something in common with regards to how they both live a double life by way of their secret nature and fake school personas, they form a bond and start hanging out together as they sweetly, slowly and lovingly change each other’s lives.
This is a story about not judging people based on appearances, and about how true love has no requirements, only to love and to be loved in return. Check it out guys!
Guest Post By – Lone Wolfie Edited By – BloodLord