Yuzuki-san Chi no Yonkyoudai or The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons is a manga series written and illustrated by Shizuki Fujisawa and adapted into Anime this season by studio Shuka. It’s a story about four orphan brothers of the Yuzuki family: Hayato, Mikoto, Minato, and Gakuto.
After losing their parents, the eldest took the role of the parent, the 2nd eldest has the calm-collective demeanor, 3rd one with cheeky attitude but clumsy, and the youngest one trying to be mature despite being in elementary school. The characters fall into the typical cliché troupe but shows strength lies in its story telling. It grips with a fun happy-go-lucky outwards accompanying some emotional depth. You can see what the boys are missing after their parents passing and how much they are trying to do their best. It feels really wholesome to see the genuine bond between the brothers.
Let’s talk abou the OST. It is surreal and properly implemented. It doesn’t pry in and get into the watching experience rather becomes part of the scene. Most scenes lack any music and when the music plays, it pushes the emotion outwards and elevates the corresponding scenes. The Opening theme is light-hearted and playful with colorful visuals. The Ending theme feels more intimate and uplifting with subtile visuals. It’s honestly one of the best put for a slice-of-life anime.
Watch Yuzuki-san Chi no Yonkyoudai if you need to get away from all the chaotic shows coming out these days that are honestly cringe worthy. It’s wholesome, intimate, and caring. A good slice-of-life anime is always there for you when you are feeling down. This one is difinitely a must watch this fall season as I’ve recommended in my seasonal anime list.