One of the most recognizable anime, Kizumonogatari from the Monogatari series is making a comeback. The entire series is known for its captivating lore, charismatic characters, creative screenplays, and beautiful animation. The Tekketsu, Nekketsu, and Reiketsu trilogy movies are coming together in a single film called ‘Koyomi Vamp’ or ‘Vamp Edition’. They were premiered from 2016 to 2017 and the compilation film is set to be released in January 2024 on theaters. Kizumonogatari is widely known for that meme fight “Araragi vs Kiss Shot” which is pretty hilarious. It would be awesome to see that making an entry in the new year. The same studio SHAFT is taking charge of this project with Tatsuya Oishi as the director.
Kizumonogatari -Vamp Edition- Information
- Original: Nisio Isin “Kizumogatari” (Kodansha BOX)
- Director/Screenplay: Tatsuya Oishi
- Character design: Hideyuki Morioka
- Sound director: Yota Tsuruoka
- Music: Akira Kamimae
- Animation production: Shaft
- Distribution: Aniplex
- Araragi Koyomi: Hiroshi Kamiya
- Kiss Shot Acerola Orion Heart Under Blade: Maaya Sakamoto
- Tsubasa Hanekawa: Yui Horie
- Oshino Meme: Takahiro Sakurai
- Episode: Miyu Irino
- Dramaturgy: Masashi Ebara
- Guillotine cutter: Yoshitada Otsuka
If you don’t know anything about the Monogatari series, start with Bakemonogatari. Kizumonogatari is the prequel to that but it’s best watched after the first season. Hopefully, the Vamp Edition movie will help someone get into the series. And it’s worth going in blind. Check out our page for more updates, news, and information on upcoming anime. Here are some GIFs from the movies for your enjoyment. Have a nice day.