In the summer of 2022, Call of the Night anime started airing, about a guy who suffers from insomnia and goes out at night when the streets are empty, lit by the street lights & lights from tall buildings, and a few people wandering around. The world feels so much bigger and liberating. Tall skyscrapers, empty streets with occasional cars passing by, desolated playgrounds & parks, and the sky feels so vast, just the atmosphere to chill. The anime that came out a year ago that I started craving for it again. The author of the manga Kotoyama, who made Dagashi Kashi, a manga about exploring different snacks in Japan, illustrated a story that is truly one of a kind. It’s mature but not explicit, it’s dark but not edgy, and it’s fun with a mix of emotional drama.
About Call of the Night
Yofukashi no Uta or Call of the Night is a supernatural-themed manga that has been serialized since August 2019 and it’s adapted into anime Liden Films. 13 episodes have been aired in the season and we’re still in await of the sequel. The opening song Daten (Fallen Heavens), the ending song Yofukashi no Uta (Song of the Night Walkers), and the insert song Losstime all by Creepy Nuts.
The Best Time is the Quietest Time
As a night owl myself, I find it fascinating to roam around the empty city. Everything we introvert hate disappears. Although not all places are safe for night cruising. The show isn’t just some slice-of-life at everynight. It has rich lore, a complicated plot, and some serious moments that make this story unique. Especially when unexpected things happen in a surprising way, just like in real life when you are strolling through the night outside. The characters’ actions often result in serious consequences and afterthoughts to lament over. It has a fair share of fanservice if you are into that weird sort of thing, even though the main purpose is to ease you into sleep and drain your blood. Past all that, when you get a view of the city from up top and a gentle breeze swings by, the stars & the moon shine bright, it makes it all truly worth it. You find a different perspective that you never knew existed. It’s a cure for insomniacs.
The Quirky Characters
Without good characters, the setup doesn’t mean much. It becomes a dull mess and infuriating to watch. Thankfully Call of the Night has some quirky individuals that blend so well with the world. The way new characters are introduced is very sudden and unexpected. The show handles those surprising moments really well, making the whole experience all the more worth it. There are random drinkers just goofing around, some cops are seen patrolling around, a vampire hunter, and some shady individuals who always have some tricks under their sleeves. The way the characters talk and interact with each other feels natural and grounded without being “anime-diculous” if you know what I mean. Their motives don’t match with one another which makes the chemistry between them more intriguing. After certain incidents or revelations, their characters undergo some changes that affect their perspective of the world, which is an interesting development.
I think I rarely come across anime with fitting OSTs. The upbeat music and the night views mix together to make some crazy good experiences. The uncanny or creepy vibe is conveyed through the corresponding OST which creates suspense and urgency. Not to mention the songs by Creepy Nuts, the name itself fits too well with the theme. The OP with its sheer absurdity, the ED with its craziness, and the insert song that just chills your vibe with the ongoing scene.
I hope this spoiler-free review picked your interest. It’s been months since I’ve watched it and I can’t get it out of my head. It was a unique experience and I’m looking for something like this but there aren’t any. Yes, some are close to it but the freedom of nighttime you feel when watching it isn’t just anywhere else. Everything is near perfect about it, the storyboard, background, artstyle, character design, character animation, voice acting, and OST, it’s a perfect blend of visual storytelling. I haven’t even mentioned the animation which is top-notch. Be it idle character movement, facial expression, or some action, it’s masterfully handled with great art & storyboarding. All in all, it’s an awesome show.
Thank you for reading ~♡~